Tuesday, April 23, 2024 3:29:31 PM

Welcome New Members! Post Your Concerns Here.

Welcome to LetsKamp Forum! We're so glad you're here. This online forum is created for us -- moms and dads. Feel free to post your concerns, share parenting tips or stories about camps, childhood, and parenthood, and relationship on the right forum board. Make use of the Search Button (magnifying glass icon on the upper right part of the page) when looking for a specific topic by simply typing a keyword (e.g. summer camps, first-time parents, breastfeeding, pregnancy, etc.) Respond to a question or answer other member's concern by clicking "reply". In case you can't find the topic, just hit reply on this thread so the Moderator can create a new board for this subject. Do not forget to spread love and positivity. Happy Parenting!